

Irish Neonatal Society Abstract Submission Information – 2025

Deadline for submission of abstracts: Friday 21 February 2025

Please state your preferred presentation type e.g. Display Poster or Oral Presentation

1. All abstracts submitted for presentation to this meeting must have been read and reviewed by ALL authors prior to the submission. Abstracts may be withdrawn but not altered after the deadline.

2. All completed abstracts should be emailed to: abstracts@irishneonatalsociety.ie

3. Name and contact details of presenting author must be included with your submission to include: Presenter Discipline: Nursing / Pre-Hospital or Doctor.

4. Abstract should be in Word format and not exceed 300 words (excluding Title and Authors) and should include the following:
a. Abstract Title
b. Authors (presenting author listed first) and affiliations/departments
c. Background
d. Method
e. Results
f. Conclusion

5. Abstract title should be in Capital letters.

6. The firstname, middle initials and surname of the authors (without titles or degrees should appear below the abstract title).

7. The departments, institutions and cities should be listed next.

8. The abstract must be typed and single-spaced and include no more than 300 words and submitted in Word format and fit on a single A4 page.

9. Abstracts must be in font size Calibri 12.

10. Please Note: No Tables, Graphs or References Allowed.

11. All abstracts submitted to the abstracts@irishneonatalsociety.ie email address will receive an acknowledgement email, so please do not assume that your abstract has been received. If you do not receive an acknowledgement receipt email, your abstract has not been received by us.